Website security
We install two different firewalls in every Joomla website. Each firewall is configured for specific purposes:
- Protect your site from hackers using code injection, cross scripting, brute force attacks, and more
- Block repeat offenders
- Block countries that do not need access to your website
- Run database repair and optimize tools
- Run scans on the entire site for malicious code
- Run security checks on website and server configuration
- Repair file permissions
We lease our servers from SiteGround. SiteGround specializes in WordPress and Joomla hosting and support from their team is excellent and fast. Their server firewalls are optimized for these platforms. When any major security threat pertaining to Joomla is issued, their response time to block the threat is generally less than 24 hours.
We automatically install an SSL certificate in all of our websites for security and Google compliance. SSL is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private. The SSL certificate provides a way for that secure connection to be established. With our standard SSL certificate, your users will have peace of mind that their shared data is secure, and your site won’t be flagged by Google as ‘Not Secure.’
Disaster recovery & accidental deletion
It can happen. You have the best intentions, but somehow delete important files or content. We use a combination of several technologies and services to prevent loss of data and prepare for disaster recovery.
- Backups of the entire site and database are scheduled according to your needs.
- Backups can be performed daily, weekly, monthly. We base this on how often content is changed or added to the website.
- Backups are automated on a set schedule and are stored offsite on Amazons S3 file servers.
You can create a backup before you change anything on your website as a precaution. If something does go wrong, we can use a backup to restore your website.
Compliance archiving
We can archive your site backups to Amazon Web Services S3 storage for compliance or record keeping purposes. Generally, we save the last ten backups, but we can save more as needed. If you need to save all of your backups, let us know. We can set up long-term storage for all of your backups on our servers to prevent data loss.