By on Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Category: Joomla

Joomla! 4.0 is coming — What does that mean for you?

​Joomla! 4.0 is in Alpha testing which means that it is getting closer to being released. The new version of Joomla! includes:

Will my website get updated to 4.0 when it is released?

If your website will support the new version of Joomla! and you have a technical maintenance plan with us, we will update your website to 4.0 as soon as we know the transition can be made safely. We will update to the new version of Joomla! in conjunction with upgrading the software extensions that are also on your website. Some third-party vendors of Joomla! extensions take longer to make compatibility updates with new Joomla! versions than others.

Depending on the extensions you have installed, it may not be possible to update your site from 3.x to 4.0 until your extensions have version 4.0-compatible updates available.

Joomla! Release News

My website is new and I don't have a technical maintenance plan.

​We will not update the Joomla! core or extensions if you do not have a technical maintenance plan unless you get in touch with us. If you do not have a maintenance agreement with us, you should invest in one. Our experienced team will keep your software up-to-date for security, compatibility, and new features. It is the most efficient way to keep your website working like it should. Waiting until there is a problem to fix will cost more than maintaining your website regularly.

My website is older. What will happen if it is not compatible with the new version of Joomla?

Joomla! will release version 3.9 at the same time 4.0 is released. If your website is not compatible with version 4.0, it should be able to continue on version 3.9 and be supported for up to two years if it has been updated to 3.x already. 

Websites that have not been updated for several versions, especially websites that are still running on a 2.x version of Joomla! may not be able to make these updates without a wide range of issues. We want to help you make the transition as smoothly as possible. Concerned about what the release of Joomla! 4.0 means for your older website? Please get in touch with us so we can talk with you about your options.

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